
My sister's in grade 1 and she's queen elizabeth fr her fancy dress. she has to say 3 sentences. plz suggest

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well, one can be, "im queen elizabeth of england"




  1. (1) "And what do YOU do?"

    (2) "How far have you come?"

    (3) " Have you tried the cucumber sandwiches in the Marquee? They say they're delicious"

  2. 1) I have been on the throne longer than anyone.

    2) One day, my son, Prince Charles, will become king.

  3. Is she dressing up as Queen Elizabeth I or II. Elizabeth I would probably be better as it's more fancy dress due to it being back in history

    One I can suggest are

    1. We am not amused

    Try watching Elizabeth the Golden age for some inspiration.

  4. Queen Elizabeth I's most famous quotes:

    There is one thing higher than Royalty:

    and that is religion, which causes us

    to leave the world, and seek God.

    I have no desire to make windows into mens souls and I will have here but one mistress and no master.

    I do not want a husband who honours me as a queen,

    if he does not love me as a woman.

    Although my royal rank causes me to doubt whether my

    kingdom is not more sought after than myself, yet I

    understand that you have found other graces in me.

    Was I not born in this realm? Were my parents born in any foreign country? Is there any cause I should alienate myself from being careful over this country? Is not my kingdom here?

    For more famous quotes from Queen Elizabeth I visit

  5. Which one there have been two Queen Elizabeth's in the UK in the last 60 years alone.

  6. It's a well know fact that royalty always speaks in the third person so Her Majesty would say. If she thought something was NOT funny..".WE ARE NOT AMUSED"  If shw ere to behead someone she might say " OFF WITH HIS HEAD"   and one more thing her Royal Majesty might say would be..." I DUB THEE "SIR KNIGHT"  when she makes someone a knight of the realm.

  7. "that milkmaid's  lot is better than mine and her life merrier"

    when she was imprisoned by her sister Mary

    "I would rather be a beggar and single thana queen and married"

    "I do not want a husband who honours me as queen if he doesnt love me as a woman"

    these are all quotes from Elizabeth the First

    hope these will help your sister

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