
My sister and her husband are split up but he won't let her see the kids ?

by  |  earlier

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and the police wont do anything. What?can I do. He is living with another lady now and they have turned my kids against me. Please tell me what we should do because we're clueless at this point.




  1. You've got to be more specific.

    Who has custody and why? Usually the mother gets the main custody unless she's on drugs or something of the like. And, does the father have sole custody? If so, legally he doesn't have to let your sister see them. I'd say that if she wants to see her kids then instead of going to the police, she should march her behind to city hall, get a lawyer and take his behind to court.

  2. I'm a little confused by the question. If this is your sister's situation, then she has to take him to family court and get a court order for custody or visitation.  

  3. what do you mean he took the kids call the police that's kidnapping he cant do that you said you already called the police in my state which is california and everywhere else I know they call that kidnapping did you make arrangements about them going or went to court seriously this is really not good for the kids is there a reason why he is doing this besides being vendictive  how did he get the kids to go with him I dont understand how they are there with him confused need more info ?

  4. How can your brother-in-law turn your children against you?  I'm confused.  Are you talking about your sister or yourself?  The best thing to do is get an attorney and do what has to be done to file for a legal separation.  This will put a temporary child custody/visitation order in place.  As long as she isn't proven unfit, she will have visitation or custody.  If he refuses visitation at that point, he will be in contempt of the court order and the issue can be addressed through the legal system.  

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