
My sister and her son need some kina parenting help.?

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My nephew is always hitting everyone, whether is my newborn baby, me my mom and every body he sees. I am sick and tired of dealing with this, I understand he is a kid but My sister (his mom) cant control him, and I feel that is her job since she decided to have him, we got into an argument because I told him "no" and I pinched his nose (not so hard, he didnt even cry and he spit at me afterwards) and she told me not to do it, Hello he bit my newborn baby and she doesn't do anything about it. All she ever says is " I am tired of him, I don't know what to do anymore, just let him do whatever he wants, he doesnt listen to meeither ways" He is too much and he is the center of attention every time we go somewhere because of his behavior, he is either hitting people or destroying anything within his reach. I dont have a problem controlling my own son and he is only one week older than him.. Am I making a big deal or does she seriously need to do some type of parenting classes?




  1. Be nice to your sister.  Kids go through stages.  i would tell her politely that they are not invited back to your home.  you cannot risk your son getting hurt because of hers.  If she says something about punishing her son tell her "Your not doing it, someone needs to teach him"  She will get the Clue.

  2. Do you live together? If not I would tell her that until she can control him better they are not welcome in your house anymore. Might be harsh but it is what needs to happen. He can't keep doing this to your son and you. He might actually hurt him.  

  3. I had the same problem with my nephew.  I normally would not discipline someone elses child but I do believe there are exceptions to every rule.  Only if her child is doing something that will hurt my child or if he is at my house then all bets are off.  I feel that if my child is getting hurt and the parent is not doing anything I have the right to tell him that is not ok and put him in time out or simply not allow the child to play near my child until he can be nice(make sure you tell him this while removing him from the area your child is in).  All other behavior is not for you to correct unless the child is in your home.  then you can say 'that is not allowed in my home, you need to sit with your mother until you can behave'  It worked really well and didn't seem to offend as I was also letting the mother know(indirectly) that that type of behavior is not allowed in my home or around my child.  When he is behaving I give him lots of hugs and kisses :^)

  4. How old is he?

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