my sister is getting married and asked me to be her male(maid) of honor and I was honored that she asked me,,, I am a man and thought that was only for females,, she is 42 and I am 40,,she has always been there for me so I accepted without knowing it will cost me around 1,000 dollars to pull this off,,,money isnt a problem at all and think it will be fun,,, she wants me to do everything a typical maid of honor does like bridal and bathelette party stuff,, also have to go to the bridal shop with her and help her pick a dress for her and her brides maids,,, she told me" Look on the bright side , you will be the only guy at the batherlette party with a bunch of girls,,I said I would wear a tux and match my cubber bun and tie with her dress and she said no I would have to stand out and not look at all like the groom or best men ect,,, she said a full ivory tux like the same color of her dress,,, at least she isnt making me wear female clothes as in a tradition brides maid style(whew),,, I guess my question is what kind of reaction will I get from friends and family on both sides?will you think I will get teased and talked about like is he g*y(I am not by the way but that shouldnt matter) and at the Batchellette party will the girls try to be girls and tese me and try to make me a girl? I am good with fun and games but to be honest I just want to be prepared for whats to come.... What the h**l did I get myself into and is she punishing me or honoring me? I was her pesky little brother all the time trying to hang with her and friends and always in her way doing what brothers do,,,, whats your input,,would love to hear anything about the other side of weddings,,, P.S,,, I was a best man before so I know that side but little from the female side....would other female friend from the brides side not want to go to the two partys just because a man is throwing it and going to be there,,, Sister told me I have to attend it as well as orginize and fund the partys,, I know I have to get p***s things and also a cake that is rated for adults,,,,
who thinks this is weird?
what do you think will happen?
should I go all out?
what should I say no to when she ask's me ? trust me she wont hesitate for anything.
should I stay at the partys when the girls act silly ?