
My sister ate metal! Help?

by  |  earlier

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What will happen?




  1. now if this just happened go to the hospital or if it happend 2 days ago still go when i was small i swallowed a coin now the thing is if it goes on top of your air passege she will die but because you had onouf time to post this she aint dead if if whent ower her food channels it might goin thats means operation if its partialy on the air way it may move when she cofes or even breads but betwean the both canals there is a emtyness if it fell in there(unliky but it happened to me) she will be fine and it will get out on its on but in anycase go to the hospital

  2. what did she eat? metal is not spacific enough for anyone to really know what she ate. is there a label? if so read it and find out the poison info on it. go to google and do a search for the poison control center its an 800 # so it wont cost you to call and tell them what happened and they will tell you what to do.

  3. If it is sharp, it could cut through her stomach.

    You need to talk to the nurse at her doctors right away

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