
My sister came back last night from the dead again!?

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Ok. I have a uigui board in my closet. I don't play with it but, my sister does! She died 3 years ago but, she comes back to play with that on the night of her death! I usually just watch her when shes here but, last night she came unexpectiannly. She told me that I should go outside. I didn't want to so I said "NO" then she got mad at me and grabbed my wrist I screamed so my mommy came. Then I started crying because I thought she loved me. My mom doesn't believe me! Why do you think she was acting so weird??




  1. If you are serious, talk to your mom/dad and priest/clergyman about this. And I'd advise you to throw away the Ouija board. If you're not, this isn't very funny.  

  2. Have you considered getting help?? Not to mean that in an offensive way, but it might be a good idea.

  3. Have you considered getting psychiatric help?  Or calling the Ghosterbuster.  And for future reference, it's spelled Ouija board

  4. Freaky

  5. im not sure. some people dont believe in that stuff they think its all in your head. but i stay away from them i dont plan on meetingmy detah anytime soon lol..

    maybe it wasnt really her!

    maybe it was sumone else pretending to be your sister!

  6. because shes dead? or maybe because she played with the ouija board shes going to h**l. And shes just really moody about it...

  7. Talk to your mom when you are not upset, she will be more open to listen to you. Tell her how afraid you are.

  8. whatever...

  9. erm to be honest if she comes at night you should be asleep a decest wouldnt do that. I sugest seeing a mediumn

  10. She wanted to show you something or something.

    Things like that have happened before. Like I read in one of my church magazines some girl woke up to what she thought was her sister (they shared rooms) pull on her leg so she was was dragged down by the end of the bed. When she saw up to tell her sister to stop a car crashed through there window & killed her sister who was sleeping. But if she wasn't sitting up exactly where she was she would of died. *I cried reading that story*

    So maybe she's either protecting you or wants to show you something.  

  11. Talk to your sister if she really needs you to see something outside, have your mom with you to go outside. Something might be happening that you need to see. But try to ask your sister why she won't leave your family, ask her why she won't just rest in peace.You're mom doesn't believe you because she doesn't want to think of her dead daughter because of how much pain it brings back. Think if you where a mom and your daughter died before you did. It's hard!  

  12. omgomgomg thats creepy

    either u should go to a counceller

    or maybe you should have went outside

    she might have shown u something incredible

  13. Ghost aren't able to grab you. They can only move things around.

    Are you lying? If you're not get a psychic to help to, or tell her to leave, tell her to go were she needs to be.

  14. Don't ask why, just do yourself a favor (as hard as it may be,) and get rid of the ouija board. I'm sorry for your loss.  

  15. umm,I'm not sure I believe you.  If you are making it up you are very creative.  If it is true, You should find out why she's visiting from the dead and what she wants.   Good luck.

  16. It is not your sister, but probably an evil spirit. I am absolutely serious. Get rid of the board, in fact you should destroy it. The Devil has many ways to trick people, and belief in ghosts (both 'good' and 'bad') is one of them. You should not attempt any kind of witchcraft because it will ultimately condemn you. As a Christian, I would tell the spirit to leave 'in Jesus name'. God will not allow the Devil to harm you. I am sorry about your sister's death and I'm sure you miss her terribly, but this is not her.

  17. If her soul is still on earth , she isn't in a resting place yet. Call a physic who specializes in these things

  18. First of all, move that ouija board out of your closet!  I think you have a vivid imagination and I think you miss you sister very much.  I think you are having nightmares that seem very real to you.  You need to talk to someone about  this.  what if your sister told you to hurt yourself and you did it?  This is very scary, I think you need some help.  

  19. scary

  20. thats creepy! are you talking about your "sister" if you are maybe she wanted to show you something! but are you shure your not seeing things...

  21. Is she a ghost, or is it a dream?

    Talk to her next time, and explain to her that you need your sleep.

  22. Well, have you talked to your parents about it? Do you have other siblings? Is it just you and your sister? Any other family members to share this with?

    People have talked about experiences like this and most people don't believe it. Do you?

    You can get some clairvoyant but that is very expensive and some of those people are just con artists out to take advantage of people.

    Stay away from the Uigui Board (is that how you spell it) and pray to God and ask God to help your sister. Pray for your sister that she is in Heaven and is at peace.

  23. sheiiiiiiiiiiit

  24. your mother doesn't believe you and neither do i.

  25. maybe she wanted to do some evil things and didn't want you to see them. you should burn the board and thing that goes with it that you put your hands on.

  26. Just think demons. Shes not coming back. It's demons playing tricks on your mind.

    BTW. Thats flipping scary.  

  27. Hello,

    I would be very scared if I saw a dead person but your mom probaly doesn't beleive it because it sounds like a silly story and if you have to then keep it to yourself

    God Bless,

    Have a nice day(tomorrow) lol :-)


  28. if you can comunicate with her try to do so if thats what you want.  Maybe some friends can help with this.

    very nice people who know there stuff if your really serious about it.

  29. creepy.

    go outside next time

    see what she wants.

    if you start to cry while telling your mom she will  believe you most likley

  30. Help her Move on and stand up to her


    i used to live in a haunted house so i have experience.

    you have to stand up to her and tell her to move on.

    -Kelsey .*


    if you want to ask more just add me and send a message!  :)

  31. You have a good immagination, you should be writing books :)

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