
My sister can not talk and she is 4 days old....Im scared does she have a problem??

by  |  earlier

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Is this normal???




  1. what?! omg! get her to a hospital quick!

    grow up.

    yes i agree, i can't wait for school to start's the most wonderful time...of the year....

  2. My first thought was that you had mistyped and meant four years old, but after viewing your other questions/answers...GROW UP.

    It will be nice when school starts back up, just so there are less children on here playing games.

  3. DUH 4 day old babies dont talk

  4. of course s hes cant talk shes only 4 days old

  5. she won't be able to "talk" until she is a bit older.  She will soon be babbling and then saying words and then you'll be whining that she won't shut up...

  6. GOSH at four days old they will never learn to talk at that age! what are you crazy? well anyway she will talk at around the age of 3-9 monthes

  7. no, she is four days old!!!

  8. Well, that's pretty normal but if you are concerned you might want to talk to a speech therapist, because I'm sure that 4 day old babies should speak at least cryeasy, that is the language of the baby.

  9. at first i thought you meant 4 years old but then i saw your other questions and one word came to mind:


    you got a paper cut and you think you should call 911?

    your paper ripped and you don't know what is going on?


    how's it living under that bridge?

  10. how old are you grow up

  11. Did  you mean 4 years old?  If that's the case, your parents have already looked into it, medically.  Discuss your concern with them.  They can put you at ease, hopefully.

  12. 4 days? no she cant talk, the best she can do is cry. man, this site isnt the same since school got out for the summer.

  13. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. What wouldn't be normal is if she could talk at four days. All children progress at different times. She should probably begin saying words at a year and a half. No 4 day old baby that I heard of could talk. She's got plenty of time. That's really sweet that your concerned about your sister though.

  14. what are you taking? do you mean 4 years old? 4 months old?

  15. Shes four days old. It takes time to learn how to talk. It will be a few months before she starts doing any thing but cry and maybe screech.

  16. Are you sure you don't mean 4 YEARS?? Maybe she has a mental problem, or a hearing disorder. Maybe damaged vocal chords...i dunno

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