
My sister copes everthing I do,I mean everything,What should I do?

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She copes everything that I do,everytime we meet,she stares at me and watch what I wear and the way i talk, i walk, i move,even she will check what's inside my bag.And later,she copes me.Sometimes I think she's a little bit mean.That's really anoying me, Im older than her, so I dont want to quarrel with her,she's my sister,she's not a little girl.I really dont know what to do.Please help me!




  1. Jessica, the word is copies.  Not copes.

    Remember, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.  Your sister admires you, and wants to be like you.  You should be flattered.  She looks up to you.  That is great!  Some have sisters that are at odds with each other all the time, and never get along.  

    Although her emulation of you may be annoying, realize that you are setting an example for her.  Obviously she wants to be like you.  Show her some kindness and patience.  Take her to lunch sometime.  Maybe go shopping with her.  Treat her like a friend.  In the final analysis, we need to be close with our family, love them and accept them.

    She is just a bit dazzled by you.  I think that is sweet.

  2. First off, your sister must really love and look up to you if she wants to be exactly like you. I understand that it must get annoying sometimes.

    If you want her to stop, do it gradually. Tell her that she doesn't need to be like you to fit in, and that she is a cool person the way she is. Maybe she'll realize that she doesn't need to follow your footsteps in everything you do in order to act "normal."

  3. She looks up to you, and you should be proud of that...If she is getting annoying, try to sit down and have a sister-sister conversation with her.

  4. K first it is copies, copes means something totally different. Second, most little sisters will do that. She looks up to you, you are her role model and she probably wants to be just like you. However, I can definitely see why that would be annoying. Just sit her down and say, "Look, I know you like to follow what I do, but it really needs to stop. You need to be who you are, not who I am."

    Something like that.

  5. talk to her about it. just try to be a good role model. trust me one day she will be your bestest friend in the whole world. so just lovingly tell her that it bothers you and show her ways to be unique

  6. I think that's great, it means you have great style and taste, so enjoy day she will come into her own beautiful swan and you will know you had a hand in it and feel good about it.

  7. She is your biggest fan.  You are like a movie star to her.

    Be patient, she'll out grow it.  Talk to her and let her know that sometimes you want to be different, maybe she'll want to be different...just like you.

  8. most sisss do tht . lol just find  a way to make it seem admiring she idols u!

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