
My sister does not take care of herself

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I really care for her but she is going to far. She has high blood pressure and way over weight. She is 10 and she baths like once a week. Her hair is washed every 2 weeks its disgusting on top of that she covers deoderant over her odor and it smells really bad. My family is advicing to lose weight and take more showers. Every time she gets adviced she cries what do I do. I want her to have more confidence in herself. How can I tell her without hurting her or lowering her self-esteem




  1. you have to tell her otherwise she will start getting bullied and never change

    as you are her sister you should tell her that its not nice and that she is growing up so she need to take care of herself more than what she does

    when you have told her she will be mad at you for a short while but she will get over it in the end as you have done her a favour she can either change or get bullied in high school its better to hear it from a loved one than a school friend

    hope this helps


  2. mabey your parents should take her to the grocery store with them. let her pick out her favorite type of shampoo and conditiononer. her favorite kind of body wash. try the kinds that foam up. all kids love that stuff. try giving her positve reinforcment.  

  3. 10? and your parents allow this?

    If you want to be honest - talk to her and express your concerns.

    Maybe there is a deeper reason why she neglects herself.

    This could be being bullied at school for example, which can have a devastating impact on a persons life.

    Something is attacking her confidence - and until you find out what, there will be little you can do to create a change.

    One thing you could do is take her swimming (alternative for a bath) once or twice a week. This is also some exercise, and might help a bit.

    If this goes on, you might want to have a talk with your doctor, to ask his advice. He might know a way as well.

    Good luck.

  4. Take her swimming. The chlorine will seriously cut down on the BO, and if you tell her to shower afterwards otherwise her hair will smell like the pool, she just might do it. Plus, she'll get exercise from it, and you can do something like play volleyball in the pool to make it feel like not a workout.

    And, as far as the advice goes, just tell her she's a beautiful girl, and she should take baths so more people can see it, or something like that. Or, tell her she has a nice haircut, and if she washes it it'll be all soft and shiny and beautiful.

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