
My sister dont want me to get married...?

by  |  earlier

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she think she going to loose me if i married my boyfriend....we have a very strong relationship i always been there for her through her up and down since she will little now she is 19....i don't know what to do...




  1. My sister is the same. To this day she thinks that i chose my husband over her. Because of this her and my husband don't have a very good relationship as they are always fighting over me so to speak. But with time it gets better as i still go out with her and make sure we do things together.

  2. She feels insecure..just reassure her that you will always love her and be there for a sweet little gift (teddy bear) to remind her that you love her..write her a nice card..She needs a hug...

  3. this is a hard one but you need to try to reassure her she wont lose you. arrange some special days out and give her some important bridesmaid duties to get her involved in the wedding that might make her excited about it. get your husband to be and your sister to spend time together with you and just have a good time together that might make her feel more at ease

  4. Involve her in your wedding plans,  have her help where she can.  Plan a day every month or more for just the two of you to do things together


  5. Tell your sister just because you marry someone, doesn't make your relationship with her and less important. Make sure she understands that. You'll always be there for her.

    Also make sure you future spouse understands how important your relationship with your sister is. You don't need your spouse getting jealous of your sister being one of your priorities also.

  6. your sister is insecure.  re-assure her that marriage will not change your relationship with her.  she is still young and it seems she looks up to you.   everyone has a different path to follow in life and so does your sister.  when she's much older she will understand.  

  7. This is YOUR life and only YOU can and should make decisions on how your life will be lived.  Who said you can't be there for her? Who said you can't call her every night or even visit every weekend? You wouldn't put her in a situation that she would torn in so you need to talk to her and tell her that there is nothing to fear and that for you to continue to be there for her, you need to have your own life and be happy as well because if you aren't happy, I can guarantee she will not be happy.

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