
My sister found a baby bunny?

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My sister and her son nathan were riding around in the back feild at my house on a golf cart and she saw my cat carrying a baby bunny in her mouth. She made the cat spit it out and the bunny was completely unharmed but she didnt want to just leave it there so she braught it home. The bunny is big enough to hop around and its eyes are open. Its slightly bigger than a hampster. We feed it baby formula through a washed out baby tylenol container. and the baby ate most of it however we didnt want to over feed it. I know it is to little to be on its own because it has a white spot on its head. I want to take care of it however i realize we will probably have to keep it as a family pet because it will be to tamed to be realeased when its older. Either that or it will begin to act wile and reject us and we will let it go. How ever im not exsactly sure how to take care of it. I want to do the best i cant so it has the best chance of surviving.




  1. Hi Amber... please contact your local wildlife rehabilitator.  Any veterinary clinic can give you this number.  

    Wild animals generally do not fair well in captivity without a someone who has a tremendous amount of experience handling the species.  Additionally, it is considered illegal to keep wildlife as pets.  The rehabilitator will nurse the bunny to health an re-release it back into the wild "if" they believe it can survive on it's own.  Otherwise they will keep the bunny at their sanctuary.

    Here's more about helping wildlife bunnies:

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