
My sister gets to go to this big hotel and i have V-ball pratice??

by  |  earlier

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Im so mad cause this is a big hotel what should i do????????




  1. you're throwing a fit because your sister is going to a hotel?  sounds like to me you need a better life.

  2. You make your call. If you see volleyball as part of your career, ignore the hotel and anything else. If you see volleyball as a video game, you should be able to find an excuse not to go to your practice.

    Remember practice is the extension of your games. You don't really have to go, but as you are asking this question you must feel that you are obligated to go.

    If I were you I wouldn't be even mad... there will be more hotels to go in your life, why get bothered by this one.

  3. look at it like this, I get to play volleyball and she doesn't.  You joined a team and they depend on you, so do the right thing and don't complain.  some day you will get to do something fun and your sister will be home with the mumps (THat's what happened to me!!!!)

  4. ok i hope i am getting this question right if not then i am terribly sorry for this long answer that if i am not getting the question right does not pertain to you

    this is what i think you are asking (if not add detail and tell me i will delete my answer): Should i go to the hotel or to volleyball practice

    This would be hard for me too. i love volleyball practice knowing that i have it at the end of my day totally got me through my school days. in fact i remember one day when i had something i had to do so i had to miss practice and i was depressed the whole day at first i couldnt figure out why i was acting so sad but then i realized it was because i couldnt look forward to going to volleyball that day. so right away i would think choose volleyball. i love hotels to though. hot tubs, swimming pools, saunas, food whats not to like especially if it is big and fancy. so next i would think oh of course pick the hotel.

    Heres what i think:

    -try to find a way to make it to both then you will be happy either way


    -miss one day of practice it couldnt hurt and you may not get another chance to go to this big hotel


    -If you really are torn choose the one that means the most to you


    -if you really cant decide ask a parent to make the decision for you if they tell you that you need to skip practice then you should if they tell you the hotel isnt that important and you should go to practice then that is what you should do

    if you ever post details or pick your best answerer then tell me what you chose i would like to know

  5. well u like v-ball dont you so just forget about it. or if you really want to go then go and dont go to v-ball. its one or the other but dont be mad and calm think about what you want. if you dont then be glad she got to go.

  6. Call out sick

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