
My sister has a 2 1/2 year old and just found out she's pregnant!?!?

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Okay, my sister will be 21 in October, and she has a son who will be 3 in November. Last night after work she got a pregnancy test because she's been missing her period. It came back positive. So then she got three more and they all came back positive as well. Her boyfriend is in jail. He went there August 12th and will be out in about 6 weeks, maybe 7 or 8. We don't know how many months she is pregnant, is there any way to tell? And is there anything she should or should not do, she wants to be a really good mom, and she wants to be better now that she's got a second one coming.


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  1. Just have her go to her doctor's office or the nearest free clinic. If you don't know when your last period was, they usually do an early ultrasound to find out.

    If she wants to be a really good mom, her best bet is to go get checked out. That way she can know that her baby is fine.

  2. I'm only twenty and i have a two in a half year old he will be three in February and i also have a seven month old. She needs to go see a doctor so she can find out how far along she is and go from their and the most important thing is to keep As far away from stress as she can it is very unhealthy for the baby's, I almost lost my youngest because of stress, Oh and by the way tell her to give her two year old alot more attention because he will not be happy having another baby in the home. Hope my advise helps. GOOD LUCK

  3. I had no clue how far along i was because i did not know the date of my last missed period...But I went to the doctor and the ultra sound said he was 17-18 weeks. Its the only real way to be absolutely POSITIVE :]

  4. Think back to the first time after her last period that she did not properly protect herself. It will be then or after.

    If she wants to be a good mom, tell her to stop having illegitimate babies by criminals.

  5. she need to make an appt with her OBGYN she needs prenatal care and they will tell her how far along she is... she should know all this if it is her second child...

  6. What does her having a 2 1/2 year old have to do with it?

    I'm very sorry for her situation.

    She needs to see her OB/GYN to start prenatal care, and at her first ultrasound, they'll give you an accurate due date.

    She can also calculate it from the first day of her last missed period.

    Good luck

  7. Go do the doctors they can tell you how far she is in the pregnancy. You should try to make her more comftorable and feed her healthy foods for the baby. Pple who are preagnet are not supposed to drink alcohol, even a little bit. It can cause the baby to be dimented or mentally retarted! A way to be another mom, well always be loving and caring mother and give your kids the love they diserve. Hope i helped

  8. She can track when she got pregnant if she can remember when her last period was.  Most women ovulate around the 14th day after the first day of the last period.  She can also schedule a doctor appointment, and they can do a dating ultrasound where they give a due date according to size.  

    She should start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as possible.  There are also foods she should avoid  such as deli meats, hot dogs, some types of fish, etc.  Limit caffeine intake, but make sure she stays hydrated.  There are lots of resources on the internet about all of these topics.

    Good luck to her!

  9. ZapDaddy is perfectly correct. No one could have said it any better. Also, tell her to stay out of stressful situations. If her boyfriend is constantly getting into trouble and such, that's something she won't be able to deal with, it not only affects her, but her family, and her unborn baby. Tell her to see a doctor. They'll do blood test pregnancy, and then an ultrasound and sonogram. Just make sure she says she doesn't know how far a long she is. Good luck.  

  10. The only way to tell if she is pregnant is if she looks like she gained maybe a few pounds or look at her belly and see how big it is. I would suggest that she go to the ob/gyn to get it checked out and if she is pregnant, then she's going to have to get ready for the new addition to the family, tell her son that he is going to be a big brother, and especially tell her boyfriend that he's gonna be a daddy. Good luck!

  11. pregnancy weeks start from her, first day of her last period...

    say she started her period on july 25th, then today she would be 5 weeks pregnant...

  12. Yes there is a way to tell! They can do a sonogram to measure the baby and have a good guess on how far along she is. The best time to do this is when she is in the early stages so she should go ASAP to find out. If she lets the doctors know she is not sure how far along she is they will usually do this on there own but if they don't she should ask for one to be done. :) TELL HER GOOD LUCK!!! :)

  13. Go see an Ob-Gyn doctor, now.

    The doctor can tell how many months she is into the pregnancy, and can tell her what to do and what not to do.

    - NO drinking

    - NO smoking

    - NO drugs

    - very healthy food and enough of it - but don't gain too much weight

    - exercise but not in excess

    - plenty of liquids

    - pre-natal vitamins

    Don't forget, if "she wants to be a really good mom" that means being a really good mom for the first one too, so she should pay a lot of attention to that too.  Loving, teaching, caring, loving, praising, feeding well, loving, providing opportunities, providing proper medical care, loving, and ... did I say loving?  Love him, and SHOW she loves him, and TELL him she loves him.

    And, go see the doctor.


  14. Get her to the doctors and they will get her an ultrasound that will help determine how far along she is.

  15. Love them, care for them, provide for them...and practice birth control.

  16. well shes been pregnant before, she should know the basics. she should get to a doctor pretty quick. also, the date her last period began counts as the first day being pregnant. you geenerally know she is a few weeks so she needs to look into insurance if she doesnt have it. if she has low income, medicaid can get her covered very quickly.

    she can start being a better mom by getting herself checked out and doing everything in her power to stay healthy and let prepare her son for his inpending sibling.  

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