
My sister has an African Grey parrot that is exhibiting unusual behavior.?

by  |  earlier

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This parrot is a 17 year old female and is of recent, going to the bottom of her cage and making repeated moans and groans. Is this common if she is in heat, or is she in discomfort. She has been to the bird vet and is healthy. It is a new behavior for this bird.




  1. This is all signs of sickness and she should go see a vet. If you already have and they say she is fine, they are wrong. Take her to another different vet.  I hope she gets well soon.  

  2. sounds like she's trying to pass an egg, but has she ever laid eggs before or been surgically/ dna tested to make sure she is a female

  3. well why don't you take her to the vet again?

    first you have to ask your self

    have you changed anything?  Have you changed her diet lately?  Have you burned anything ( food ) ?  Have you used any cleaning supplies by her cage?    Do you see anything unnormal, like chewed perches, anything that she migth ahve eaten?

  4. Any chance she might be broody - Is she trying to nest and lay an egg perhaps?  If she seems distressed she could be egg bound. Try having a look for a lump/bulge under her tail but don't touch it, it will be sore.  I know it might sound strange if she hasn't had a mate but our parrot showed similar behaviour and by morning there was an egg in the bottom of her cage.  She would also regurgitate food to my mum when she was broody and did this regularly for a number of years.  Is your vet experienced with parrots? Try contacting a local breeder for suggestions and/or help.  Hope all goes well - they are great birds.  

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