
My sister has an online bf???

by Guest57189  |  earlier

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hey, my sister has a boyfriend, but he is from the phillapeans and she is from the UK. he is genuine and we know he is not a fake etc. but my dad is not happy at all because they are planning to meet, but not for a long time. I am really worried now, any help? he is really nice and it would be a shame for her to miss out on this, please help!!!




  1. People meet online all the time and fall in love...that's not too surprising. However your "sister" is obviously young enough to be living with her father and should probably not be meeting up with a guy from the philippines until she is old enough to be living on her own...even after being old enough to move out, it's pretty dangerous.

  2. I understand your fathers concern. Online relationships can be potentially dangerous, if not treated with care. I suggest that you have your dad come along with her for the first meeting and that you meet in a public place.

  3. That's awesome!

    Talk to your dad for her? how old is she?

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