
My sister has been real sick lately can you help me out?

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My younger sister said she's been gettin painful headaces, vomittin, diareah, and blood in her urin. What could be the cause of that? She went to the doctor a couple days ago and the dumb-a** just felt around her stomach, looked at her and said "u got a stomach virus". What kind of stomach virus causes a person to p**s blood? Can y'all give me an idea as to what could've caused this?




  1. im thinking bladder infection but im not a doctor...take her to another one would be ur best bet...hope she gets better x

  2. It is a possibility that she has kidney stones or a kidney infection but there really is no way for us to tell on yahoo answers.  You need to get her to another doctor for proper evaluation and diagnosis immediately or if one is not available take her to an urgent care facilty before her condition worsens.  Good luck!

  3. Take her to an emergency room. If not that, then a gynecologist.

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