
My sister has chills and a fever..?

by  |  earlier

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I've just come to visit for a week for family reunion, and my sister had a fever of 102. Nothing seems to be wrong, her throat and ears and eyes are fine but her heart and pulse are quite fast and she has chills.. this just all of a sudden struck her out of no where please does anyone know what this could be? She says she feels okay except for the chills... maybe it was something she ate... i just need to know do you think we should take her to the emergency room? thank you

we gave her some Motrin and her fever has come down to 99.




  1. the flu? maybe.

    did she take any pills she shouldn't have, my friend had the same symptoms, but he took some pills.

    if her fever get any higher, take her to the doctor.

    also, to make the fever go down get a cold wash cloth, aand put it on her forehead. nd make sure she drinks lots of fluids, like ginger ale, or cranberry juice.

    for the chills, get her a blanket, but if you feel like shes getting too hot, take the blanket off aand take her to the doctor.

    hope i helped!

    nd i hope she gets better!


  2. Its definitely not the flu, the flu its only a winter disease.

    Depending on the place your family reunion was, it could be possible that it might be a parasitic infection like Malaria which symtoms involve Chills, fever, Vomiting. Malaria is transmited by mosquitos.


    It could be just simply a Food born toxication which could cause similar symptoms. But if she doesn't get any better within a day or two at the most than it would be better to consult your local doctor.

    Hope this helps :)

  3. Tylenol is better for fevers and don't forget warm baths & lotsa fluids.  she can see her doctor if there is no improvement.

  4. Nothing beats a hands-on exam by an experienced physician. Odds are though, that she has a summer enterovirus - Coxackie A or ECHO, whatever is prevalent in your community. There are 30+ strains of Coxackie A, and at least 6 strains of ECHO, all with similar manifestations, sometimes with a rash. Even with a normal looking throat it still could be strep.

    Take away the blanket and heating pad if she is febrile. Let the heat escape from her body.

  5. Med Student, without a proper evaluation, it could be one of any number of possibilities.

    Without the benefit of a proper evaluation, it's not wise to speculate as to the etiology of your sister's condition.

    In terms of deciding if or when you should take her to the Emergency Dept., the rule of thumb I was taught by a great attending was take a look at the patient and determine if she looks sick.  It may sound a bit ambiguous, but in my experience, this has served me very well in determining how to act in a given situation.  If she looks truly sick or begins having more symptoms or her fever doesn't abate, by all means take her to the Emergency Dept.  When in doubt, always err on the side caution.

    I hope your sister gets well soon.

  6. Check her forehead. If it's hot, then it's just a simple fever. This is not bad at all. It gives the body a chance to kill off viruses and bacteria in the body and also makes more antibodies, cells, etc. The chills are just probably because of room temperature. Just let her lay down and sleep. Please don't give her anymore medicine. Her body is making certain cells. There is no need to take her to the emergency room either. Just let her rest. If she does feel thirsty, give her some orange or apple juice. If she's hungry, then let her eat some toast with cheese. Don't give her a heavy meal either. Rest is all she needs.

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