
My sister has these scabs on her scalp?

by Guest66876  |  earlier

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like we got taking about it last night and she said that it just started yesterday.

there like at the back of her head at the top there. and she says that this morning there was like a friggin chunk of it on her scalp. she says it's like a yellow some what dark colour or yellow sometimes with that blood colour in it. so she itched it a bit and it riped out. she said that like this oil like stuff came out. i know this is a bit strange for me 2 ask but i'm her brother and i'm just trying 2 take care of my lil sister.




  1. Maybe it is ringworm or a fungal infection?

    Maybe she scratched her head?

    In any case, she should see the dermatologist.  

  2. first I'd rule out head lice. these transparent little critters can jump from person to person in a close range. even sharing a hair brush you can get them from. as they bite you will itch like crazy forming scabs. you can tell if you look close on the hair strand to see small clear moving things/ if need be use a magnifier. after so much scratching the scalp develop sores. untreated they fill with pus. Take a good look. If thar's for sure what she has get over the counter head lice treatment. If not go to your family dr. before it gets worse. hope this helps you

  3. i used to get something like that

    it's not lice

    if she straighens her hair she might have burned it a bit

    and it reacted

    or the sun is also very strong

    believe it or not

    don't pick at it,

    and just wait

    mine took a week

    if it takes longer then you should go see a doctor

  4. Get her to go see a doctor or a community health nurse. It could be anything from dandruff to head lice. You can't risk it being something like that. Try a good anti-dandruff shampoo.  

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