
My sister-in-law gives my 3 month old nephew kool-aid?

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I know what she does with her baby isn't my business but I want the best for that little guy and it really bothers me. She gives him kool-aid, sweetend tea, and gatorade. I think this is waaay too much sugar for him. I dont want him to have diabetes as a kid, or have his teeth come out rotten, or be over weight (which he already is). Should I bring this up or just let her give him what she wants? And if I should tell her, what do I say??

thanks for all your answers!!




  1. While I agree with you completely that this isn't quite the right diet for a 3 month old, you really can't stick you nose into this without creating problems in your relationship.  No one can stand being told that they are a bad parent or how to be a better parent.  Your nephew needs you to be around in his life!

    When your nephew is with you, give him healthy things.  When you go to visit, maybe bring healthy things along and say you had a coupon, or they were on sale and you thought you'd get extra.  Be the aunt who is the healthy influence!

  2. This is really a tough situation.  Obviously she shouldn't be giving him those things.  I can't believe she doesn't know that.  I would try bringing it up with your brother instead of her.  Maybe say hey bro, I don't mean to be rude and I'd like to keep that I said this between us, but blahblahbla.  

    Good luck

    Edit*  If no one else in the family will address the issue then you need to, the only one getting hurt is the baby.

  3. Your sister-in-law needs a wake up call!  Those are not appropriate drinks for a baby.  What's you mom's opinion on this?  Is she aware?  A knowledgeable adult needs to set her straight.  Where is the baby's dad - is he aware of what's going into his son?  I would look for someone you know to help you help this poor misguided mom.  

  4. Are you sure your nephew is 3mth?  Does she give him the drinks in his milk bottle?  Does your brother know about this? You could tell your brother, nicely of course, about this. I am sure he will be concern about his son's health.

  5. Say something but try to do it as nice as possible.  Depending on her personality she will either take the concern to heart or get pissed.  I don't know her so can't realy tell.  I would say something to her about how you have noticed the baby is over weight and how he will get teased later in life if he continues to stay over weight.  Maybe knowing her kid will be teased will wake her up to what she is doing and maybe she will feel bad.  No good Mother wants thier child to get picked on or thier feelings hurt.  Especially if it's because of something she started!!  Good luck

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