
My sister in law got a cat for my nephew,and it acts really weird?

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Okay,they got the cat a few hours ago. It has little to no reaction to anything..and it eats cat litter! Why is it doing this?




  1. Yes My cat was eating cat litter too,

    let the cat **** on the floor or something and clean it up and put it in the cat litter

    soon she will figure out she has to **** in it..

    Thats how I trained my cat

    Oops I meant p**p not s.h.i.t

  2. Cats are very strange creatures with unique personalities, which is what makes them so wonderful. My cat eats random fuzz and dust bunnies off the floor and there is nothing I can do to stop her. Give her time to adapt to her new environment, she'll be warming up to everyone in no time.

  3. Maybe it is hungry,

  4. Some cats are just more mellow. It could very well be frightened by it's new surroundings. It'll come around. I'm assuming when you say "No reaction" you don't literally mean NO REACTION. I'm sure it notices whats going on. Just love it & if it wants its space, give it its space. Good luck :).

  5. Just handle your kitty gently and realize he's scared and needs time to adjust to all of you and his new surroundings.  If the kitty continues to act strange after three days or so take him to the vet.  This needs to be anyway for a checkup and to gets vaccinated, wormed etc.  

    Relax and enjoy him!

  6. It's just discovering. When it starts eating the cat litter, pick it up and put it by the food and water. Cats will act weird the first few days they are in a new environment. Good luck! Btw, love the upside down stupid :]

    EDIT: It might have bad eye sight. My cat does, go get him/her checked by the vet!

  7. It's scared. They got it a few hours ago and already all of you are all over it, including your kitten, not to mention a new home, etc. Just leave it alone and give it time to adjust to its environment. Show the cat it's food and water when it starts eating cat litter. Cats are very careful creatures. Everything is so new it's scary. Playing is the last thing it wants to do. Just leave it be for a few days (take care of it, food, water, litter box, etc.) but give it time without lots of stimulation (your kitten, people wanting to play) to adjust. Also, make sure it gets a Vet check for cat diseases and illnesses.  

  8. The cat is nervous because he's in a new environment.  My cat did the exact same thing when we brought him home from the pound a few months ago.. he was unresponsive for about 3 days, but then he was fine.  Give the cat some space, let him chill out in a quiet area until he's more comfortable.  He'll most likely come around.

  9. could be nervous due to new surroundings. please correct the cat if it's eating cat litter

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