
My sister in law is crazy?!?

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i had what i thought a great relationship with my sis in law. i confided in her. anyway, her husband died ( my husband's brother), i was there for her. i didn't expect her to take out her loss on me. you see, my bro in law left my sis in law for another woman 5 yrs before he died. she was angry at him and so was i. i was 'on her side'.

anyway, 6 weeks after my bil death, my husband was getting harrassing txt msgs on his phone. 1 msg said i was money hungry and wanted my husband and his parents to die so i could get all the assets. WTF! another msg said that i was having an affair and bringing men over. that is a lie! i would never do that plus my in laws live next door.( yeah, i know , lucky me).

most of the txts were about money.

to cut a long story short, my inlaws are wealthy. my sis in law came to australia just before she marrieed my bro in law. her family is overseas. whenever my inlaws would p**s me off, i'd tell her and her response was always' don't worry, they'll die and everything will be for us.'

i married my husband out of love but i thinkl she married my bro in law to stay in australia. money has never been an issue to me 'cause i come from a wealthy family anyway.

so, since her husband left her for someone else, you would think that she would be angry with the other woman and not me.

we traced the number back to her. we knew it was her txting us since there is noone i know that cares about my inlaws inheritance but the immediate family.

my other proof it was her, was when she said straight after my bil died that my husband will inherit everything since he is the only son left. i think she lost the plot.

anyway, all this proves to me that she is a jealous psycho. if she were mourning, she wouldnt have been harrassing us.

we caught her in the end. we don't talk now.

so is she psycho or what? we havn't told the inlaws. we don't want the drama. it's sad since i have never had an argument with her.




  1. yea she sounds a little nuts it  sounds to me like you should have nothing further to do with her is sounds like she wants to ruin your marriage because hers didnt work

  2. She sounds lonely, depressed, afraid, and unsure of her future and jealous that money will never be something you will ever have to worry about.

    I wouldn't tell your in-laws about her. She's out of your lives and you don't have to deal with her any more.

  3. Sounds to me like she is very angry. She lost her husband twice. Now she knows she can never get him back. The closest she can get to him is through his family. I think the money is just an excuse to intervene somehow. I do believe you need to find a way to approach her and have a sincere talk. She is hurting and wants it to go away by giving it to someone else. You need to be the strong one, regardless of how you are feeling. Feelings are neither right or wrong, it is how you react to them, that is right or wrong. She is needing something, try the approach and be a good listener. If you have always got along, you will again. Help her through this. She might be having psychological problems, but she is not a "psycho".

  4. She seems really jealous of you. she envies you, maybe from the time when her hubby cheated on her and yours was probably nice to you. then the money issues and visa issue, she probably feels that you always get the best of all worlds. to top it all off, now her hubby is dead and urs is with you. she probably doesn't have any kids either. but its not ur problem that she has jealousy problems. people like her can never be happy because they cannot see others happy.

    i'd suggest that you talk to your hubby, and then both of you talk to your inlaws about this. make a united front and tell her that she has nothing to do with this family now as she has no respect for her dead husband and inlaws.

    she'll definitely try her best to make your life miserable, she'll try to create situations that you and your hubby can't live peacefully and your inlaws won't give you respect and even inheritance money. so it'd be best to be prepared and tell your inlaws everything before she brews up a plan and tells them lies. she's got nothing to lose now, and she wants to make sure you don;t have a happy life either. be strong if you meet her face to face. don;t give in to her threats. if she threat you, totally deny all her allegations. and for that you have to take ur hubby and inlaws in confidence before she does. don't ignore her psychotic attempts. prevention is better than cure.  

  5. Your sis-in-law sounds just perfect for MATCH DOT COM.

    In fact, I am certain its latest commercial proponent, Dr. Phil, would personally volunteer to do a promotional commercial with her for television.

    Think of it this way:  Your sis-in-law needs to get her focus off you; and start stalking potential mates instead.

  6. I aint got all nite to read all that....but back to the ORIGINAL question that I thought I came here to answer:

    Yep, ANY in-laws can be unreal.....make sure to stand up for yourself b/c when your not around your mate sure WONT!!

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