
My sister is 12 & wanna date a 19?

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can a 12 years oldd girl date a 19 year old dude?? jw




  1. Sure!! If she wants to be called a slooty and send him to jail!!!

  2. uhmm no! that is wrong and disgusting in every way thats not ok at all tell the guy to date girls more near his age  

  3. no.... o jesus

  4. ok, that's very odd. If she was like 15 at youngest I might be able to somewhat understand. Your sister is still midway through puberty. Going out with a guy that old will just persuade her to do anything, tell her to go out with someone her age. If she can get a 19 year old, she can get a 12 year old.

  5. Is this a joke?

  6. illegal---can you say chester the molester? whats wrong with dude???

  7. You need to tell her that she needs to wait until the legal age (18). Also, you don't know what kind of predator would want to date a 12 year old if he's 19. Don't do it!

  8. No thats illegal cause he is an adult.;...


  10. NO WAY! it's stupid and illegal! and the 19 year old only wants one thing... get your sister away from the creep!

  11. It's not illegal unless they have s*x.

    Dating is not illegal, as long as it doens't mean s*x.

    To me, dating means spending time with the person and getting to know him/her, which never meant s*x, in my opinion.

    It's perfectly legal, as long as he doens't rape her.

    People just get all crazy cuase he is over 18 and that must mean he will use her, etc etc...

    yes, the maturity levels are very different. He is definately an adult and she is barely starting her teens...

    But when I was 12, I feel in love with a 25 year old. Now I'm 18, still in lvoe with the same guy who was my first crush.

    Anyway, don't listen to those idiots who don't know what they are talking about...

    It's not illegal.

    EDIT: WTH with all the thumbs down? PEOPLE CHECK THE LAW!!!!! The law doesn't prohibit them to date as long as there is no s*x!! Now all 19 year old guys want s*x, it sounds ridiculous but I know it's true.

  12. no... that's nasty

    If a 19 year old is too much of a loose to get a girl more his age he needs to go to therapy, get a life or something

  13. that is alegall, he can get arrested.

  14. Tell your parents right away....there's something seriously wrong with a guy that age who will date a 12 year old. She's still a child! If they date, your parents can have him arrested for rape and he will be thrown in jail.

  15. Words cannot describe how wrong and illegal that is. Your sister is foolish for wanting to date a 19 yr old guy. And if the guy is into her thats like the worst case senario. This has rape written all over it. STOP HER! AND HIM!

  16. It's not illegal if there's no s*x, but it's still creepy.  Your parents need to handle this, not you.

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