
My sister is Bipolar...

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and a recovering alcoholic. It's very hard to deal with her. Our relationship has been strained over the past year, we used to be super close. She has two children that we just adore. She constantly threatens to limit our access to them when we are concerned about their welfare. She has a new boyfriend that she wants to marry every couple of months. She gives her ex-husband more custody time even though his new wife is not very nice to my nephew. My sister ignores the friction between my nephew (he's 6) and the step-mother because she (my sister) enjoys her free time away from the kids. My sister is coming to visit this week (I live in CA, she lives in NJ), I just don't know how to deal with her anymore. I have always been in her corner, but I feel like I just can't stand her anymore. I don't know how to deal with this situation anymore. Any suggestions?




  1. i would suggest trying to persuade her to go to therapy. i know someone who is bipolar who did that and they have been doing very well

  2. Please do the best for the kids and see them as much as you can, this is not ok. I understand it's hard to pick yourself up, but once you have the kids, sorry, there are no excuses. So be a good aunt, for their sake!

  3. try to understand, bipolar depression is a very bad illness and it is hard to empathize if you haven't experienced anything like  it. if your sister really won't let you in her life then you should try and leave things be for a while, still phoning to talk to her and her children every now and again. if you are concerned about the children's welfare try to talk to someone close to your sister; do you have any mutual friends? if not, could you try and talk to her ex husband? if you are really concerned about the children, get in touch with social services. i know its not nice to do that to your sister but if it is a last resort then you should do what is best for the children.

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