
My sister is British Citizen as she was born in UK . Her Date of birth 1970.I am Indian .can I migrate to UK?

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My parent were in UK for seven years(1964-1971). He did his Graduation form New Castle Upon Tyne.(Bsc Minning) . After graduation he worked there for Two years. My sister was born there . Her date of birth 18 Jan 1970.I was born in India . Can I migrate to UK




  1. your sisters status doesn't have any bearing on any application you might make. If she was your mother or father then may be  - but not a sister.

    Of course they would have to be resident in the UK before you could make any application on that basis,

  2. There is only one way in which you might receive preferential treatment due to your sister's status (and this will depend on whether she is actually settled and living in the UK - you do not specify this).  That would be if you could demonstrate that you were moving to join your sister because you were suffering exceptionally poor living conditions (i.e. well below the standard for your country) AND you have no other relatives in India to whom you can turn (I'm guessing this isn't the case, not least because you have computer access!!).  If your sister is not resident in the UK and/or if you are not suffering poor living conditions with no other relations in India, then your sister's status as a UK citizen has no bearing on your status.


    Hmmm... interesting... three thumbs down for both the answers on here that are factually accurate rather than telling the asker to get lost (in unpleasant terms).  Kind of highlights the racist twonks who troll this site...

  3. Like we really need more migrants!!

  4. to be honest we are very full already

  5. You need to ask yourself why you want to move here...

    It's a horrible place to live, it's becoming increasingly expensive and it's getting a lot worse thanks to a combination of out of control immigration, benefit culture and revolving door prisons.

    If you're coming over here because you think that if you work your hardest and pay your taxes you'll have a great life then forget it and stay where you are.

    If you're coming over simply to sit on your backside and live off handouts you'll fit in just fine.

  6. I don't believe your sister's status has anything to do with your status or your trying to obtain UK citizenship.  You apparently were born in a different country.

  7. Please dont we have so many here as it is

  8. Your Dad and Mom were in the UK between 1964 and 1971 and while here your dad was Educated at New Castle Upon Tyne ( Bsc Mining)  Your sister was born while your Dad was studying  . Where were you then and how did you sustain yourselves . I am guessing your Uni Education was Free during those years . You are all now settled in India -your sister included . Now some 35 Years later you want to emigrate out of India and back to the UK .On the strength of your sisters birth ?  Your parents did not apply for British Citizenship i understand . Yes ?

    If this is correct please confirm if you want considered advice.

  9. If your living in india, maybe you can get a visa, and work in uk with a working permit. and maybe apply for a citizenship. however its long process,costly and you will need to take exams such as speaking test and questiona nd answer test etc.

    If your sister is british i dont think you can migrate to uk. However it does help having your parents who are british citizenship - but you will still need to go through british immigration procedures etc

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