
My sister is a Jesus freak and says she can't even tell a little white lie!

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My sister is 41 yrs old and is getting better with her lying so I thought until she told me that she cannot even tell a little white lie. I have caught her in so many already since the comment. Should I casually say something to let her know that I'm not buying it? She is a jesus freak who is a always judging others and is discusted with the world. I have been trying to tell her to respect others but it is in her opinion that she is doing Gods work. She holds herself in higher regard than she does others and claims to take the high road after cheating on her husband years ago and now finding Jesus.Should I bring her down a notch to teach her to be more humble but I have already tried this with her before. I just wish my sister was not so superficial with the way she acts and treats people.




  1. sounds to me like your sister is trying to convince herself that she has become a christian and is not completely convinced herself . If you know her to be judging other people , just remember that it is not up to her , you , me , or any other person on earth to judge anyone and you might offer her a subtle suggestion that Christians do not judge others only inform them of how to get to Heaven and of Jesus's love for all in the world if they will only confess and believe . She nor any of us can not  judge anyone anytime . She can not even judge herself for her past , only Christ can do that . Keep Loving her and reminding her of things that Christ told christians to do . Do not try to engage her , because she will fight against you , rather gently show her how she is wrong

  2. You don't need to take her down a notch, she's already doing that to herself.

    Typical of the holier-than-thou bible thumping hypocrite, she sides up with Jesus, figuring it provides a safe smokescreen for her to hide her inadequate personality behind. She's also practicing a personality trait I know to be called "levelling". By going around telling everyone else that they aren't good enough, she starts to feel better about herself, because if they can believe her rhetoric, then maybe she can too.

    She disrespects others because she has no self-respect.

  3. She's 41...she isn't going to change. It usually takes a really huge life changing event to make people re-evaluate themselves. She's her own worst enemy at this point. She will only attract other negative/cynical people like herself, and she will push away people who would have a positive influence. Let her be.  

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