
My sister is always stealing the spotlight help!!!??

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Today my older sister, " Mandy" and I are going to see a cousin we have met only once, shes a bit closer to my age, and we are going to see her just the two of us. My sister always steals the spotlight whenever we are around people, she makes mean commnts about me in front of people just to make herself look good what should i do to stand out and kind of outshine my sister so people can notice me ?

any help? thanks!




  1. The same thing happens to me every time I am with my sister too.  She is the blonde with the big b***s and dark tan and I am the brunette, butt crack white and no b***s!  My sister makes those same remarks to me as well.  What I do is just laugh at those little remarks and have some very good come backs as well.  Don't let her get away with.  You can keep it friendly.  I always say things back with a smile on my face and sometimes I am crying inside but she would never know it and I would never want her to.  Don't try to compete with her.  Just be yourself.  Trsut me, people do notice you because you are probably very nice and caring.  You are probably just as cute as she is too.  Don't let it get you down though.  Just be who you are and that is what will get you noticed.  

  2. my sisters like that to but all you have to do is ignore her (maybe roll your eyes when shes mean for good measure) and ur couisin or whoever it is will see ur the better person :) hope this helps

  3. Be who you are and do it well,someone will be watching and quickly size up the situation,and if you are polite and kind and a wee bit funny,you have it made! don't put on an act,as you will be read like a Book! Like I said,just be you, as I am sure you are a great kid!

  4. don't respond but be yourself and you will find that others see her for what she is

  5. just tell her to knock it off. just be who you are,people will prefer you for being who you are,rather than say, your sister. Who sounds like she is trying too hard to be someone she's not. You don't need to stand out, just try and start or get more involved in conversations.

  6. say bad thing back about her say wjy are you trying so hard to make yourself look good talk to her about it tell you parents.hope i helped! :)

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