
My sister is driving me NUTS!?

by Guest45141  |  earlier

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I recently had to move back in with my parents for a couple weeks and the walls in the house are super thin and I need to get some sleep and my sister wont stop talking on the phone! I asked her to stop, and she told me to shut up! Seriously, doesnt she have any respect for her sister, we are both adults, Im 20 and shes 23! She hasnt even lived out on her own and she is so selfish. Why cant she respect those around her. Seriously! well I guess Im awake and frusturated now so theres nothing I can do. Any advice on how to deal with her constant selfish behavior and rude attitude towards me, she constantly snaps at me and I cant even say "hi how are you" without her saying rudely "What do you want" I dont get it, I try to be polite and have a good relationship with her but the only way she is nice to me is when she wants something or if I tell her compliments. I always have to bite my tongue so that she doesnt fly off the handle at me and cause an explosion of irrational arguments about stupid pointless pointless things. I truly want a relationship with her but she has to be the princess in every relationship and I just dont like that. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY. Any advice?




  1. She reminds me of a toddler with a new baby in the house. She was used to being the only one and getting all the attention and perks of being an only child. Now she has to share her home and parents. She ain't happy that you came home kiddo!

    Ignore her rude behavior. Get one of those noise machines that create a soothing sound to sleep by or run a fan or a radio turned on low to block out her constant yakking and remember, you have as much right to come home and stay when you need to as your sister has to stay there forever.

  2. I may be wrong, but i think there are two possibilities.  one is that she just doesn't like talking to family and there is nothing you can do.  the other is that she is a drama queen.  if so deal with her in your own way, confront hear about it, feed her appetite for drama by doing the same to her, or just ignore it.

  3. Maybe she just missed you when you were gone....

  4. Maybe you could discuss it with your parents...?

    Sounds like she is being really immature, rude and selfish.


    Good luck.

  5. She sounds JUST like my sister!!!  Honestly, I quit fighting that battle a long time ago.  I just agree with everything she says, if I need or want something from her, I ask very, VERY nicely, and I try to stay out of her way.  Occasionally, I go out of my way to do something nice for her, and it may or may not help.  Some people are just like that, and there's not much you can do.  Don't waste sleep over it, just try to avoid conflicts as much as possible.  Sorry I don't have better advice!  Good luck!!!

  6. Every family has a princess Mostly they do not calm down till they are thrown out into the world  and made to experience life on there own with out anyone s help Then they go through tantrums (Life is so hard why won t anyone help them) In reality that s  what we working people call life You have done everything right She is just being her princess self  Plug in the Ipod or invest in a good set of head phones Be thankfull it is only a couple of weeks She  will  need you some time and will wish she had been nicer

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