
My sister is extremely mean to me. Any tips on enduring her torture?

by Guest60710  |  earlier

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My sister is extremely mean. She is always the favorite to my parents and she often makes fun of me and calls me racial slurs. She is always calling me fat and stupid. I have to work for things I want to buy, but my sister just asks my parents and they give it to her. I get 'A's and 'B's in school and she gets Bs and Cs. She gets rewarded when she gets an A and I don't. I got all As and Bs in my worst subject and I had to go to summer school! She flunks her worst subject and my parents go in to see what the teacher can do. Any tips on enduring my sister's tourture for the next 3 years?




  1. order for me to give you any advise ..I need to know ...ages of both of you ..ok

  2. From a parent's perspective, our instincts tells us to focus on the kid that gives you the most problem over the kid that does better. However, if you bring it up to them that you feel "left out" or less loved because of this, your parents should make an effort to focus on your needs as well. Since we live in a very busy world, parents try to focus "quality time" in fixing the most urgent or biggest problems. I am sure that they love you very much and will react positively to your issues if you address it in a positive way. The more you connect with your parents, the more likely they will see what you need.

    I would suggest that you create a "tradition" like walking for 30 minutes around your neighborhood with one or both of your parents every day or 3 times a week. Its good exercise, clears the mind and helps to talk 1-on-1 about many things. Don't use the words "always" or "never." Create a diary and write down specific instances that you felt neglected by your parents or bullied by your sister. Let them know that you understand that they have a difficult situation in their hands and you just want to get a little more of their quality time to focus on positive things and not to put out fires all the time.  

  3. well have u sat down & talked 2 ur parents about it? if that doesn't work try goin to a grandparent or aunt. & if all else fails just be mean back!!! give her a dose of her own medecine!!  

  4. She's jealous of you & you are jealous of her, you both need to communicate & come to some sort of comprimise.

    You could both help each other if you'd only just try it.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  5. I was about to say the same as Roborto, ages make a difference.

    But I'm guessing she's older than you.

    I had to deal with mean siblings.

    And if you think about it, they're the same as play ground bullies.

    They do it cause they're bored, or insecure. Maybe she hates you're that big smart than her?

    At the end of the day, she does it because it gets to you, so even if it does. Try to act like it doesn't, but don't make it obvious that you're acting.

    And if it still continues tell her to grow the f*** up.

    She'll grow out of it, it's called maturing, she could be lacking in it though.

    Hope I helped xxxx

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