
My sister is getting a????????????????

by  |  earlier

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My older sister is getting a guinea pig in a few days.

and she wanted me to ask on here if...

Could she keep the guinea pig in a fairly big box for a day or two until she gets the cage???

thx. : )




  1. yea thats what happened to my friend to but it worked out ok!!

  2. Not really, you know guinea pigs have teeth.....There will be a big hole in the box the next day and the guinea pig gone, but maybe not....

    She should really get the cage and stuff first...That was the problem when I got my lizard, I didn't have the heating and all the plants and stuff, my lizard died after a few months, I don't think it was because I didn't get the things first but who knows, anyway...

    So just tell her that maybe she should get her g-pig a after she has the cage,, you said that it would be in a box for a few days...Cant she wait that much, THEN buy the guinea pig?

  3. dur dur dur

  4. Don't you think she should get the cage and all the required stuff for it BEFORE she gets the Guinea Pig? It's pretty stupid to get the guinea pig first then the cage..

    RESPONSE: Well guinea pigs like to chew so it will probably chew out of a cardboard box~

  5. Yeah should be fine. Just make sure it has plenty of food and water in the box, leave the lid of the box open so it can get air and it wont be so dark.


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