
My sister is going to marry a 15 year older to convience her not to marry him?

by  |  earlier

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the person is cheating my sister and lying that he has income of 20000 rupees but actually his income is just 8000 sister is very brilliant and always stood 1st in her class so she belives that no one can cheat her that much.

she also has income of 23000rupees.

she belives that ones she engaged with one guy then she sholud not change the person otherwise she is called a cheap can i remove this from her mind.




  1. If you have definite proof that this guy's financial situation is not what he says it is, then by all means show your sister.  But understand that if she still waves it off, you've done all you can, apart from letting her know that you'll never consider her "cheap" or let anyone else call her that no matter what she decides.

  2. Sit both of them down and tell her what you know and have the proof to back it up.

  3. isnt rupees only in video games??

  4. What about love? Does she love him? Perhaps instead of seeing it as a financial acquirement you should start looking at the true reason for

    Love trumps money.

  5. How do you know of his income?

    How do you know he's cheating on her?

    It's your sisters choice.

    Granted, you can talk to her until you are blue in the face.

    But she's in love, and you won't be able to take that from her.

  6. I'm lost....

  7. Seek out one of his ex's and have her talk to your sister. Tell her that being called cheap is a lot better than being unhappy, or worse. Anyway, tell her it is the year 2008 and everyone is doing it, (breaking off engagements) tell her all the movie stars do it and everybody loves them. Tell her she is too pretty to be stuck with some old abusive creep. Find her a younger guy to sweep her off her feet. If that doesn't work, hire somebody to make the guy disappear ;-P

  8. Then show her how you know for sure that he earns 14000 less than he told her. Maybe that will get her attention.

  9. Okay, here goes.  You're not gunna like this though.


    Since when is your sister's love life any of your business?  What she does with her future husband is HER business no one else's.  Get your own life and stay out of your sister's.

  10. It is obvious that you care deeply about your sister.  But if she is as brilliant as you say, you have to let make her own decision.  Although you may not agree, it is your job to support her and stand by her.  Hopefully she will prove you wrong, but if not, withhold the,I told you so comments.  Good luck.

  11. you should support her in her deicions

  12. You won't be able to.  As controlling as you sound this is HER life not yours.  You can give her your input but let her learn her own lessons.

  13. is she in love yes or no

    that's all that matters not your opinion stay out of it

  14. This is not what you want to hear, but nothing you could say or do is  going to change your sister's mind. You have to let go. Some people have to learn the hard way.  

  15. You can't mess with free will! Nothing you can do and if you do try, she's going to resent you for it. Just support her, your better off staying out of it.

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