
My sister is in 2nd grade and she is worrying about her weight. help?

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So here are the important details...We are all pretty thin in our family and no one talks about watching their weight because its not a problem with most of us. We don't make weight jokes either. Where did this notion come from? why is my sister all the sudden trying to lose weight? She's skipping lunches and not drinking many fluids but she doesn't seem depressed. She even said the reason was so she could look skinnier like another girl in school. We are also pretty sure her friends don't obsess about losing weight I mean they are 7!

Any professional advice?




  1. she is probably just going through a stage. tell her everyone is different. no two people r exactly alike. like i said, it is probably just a stage. don't worry, she will most likely get over it.

  2. Tell her doctor about this on her next check up, if he thinks it's serious he'll say something, or recamend her to a specialist, if he doesn't make a big deal out of it, than U shouldn't. Just U know, make an effort to make her her fav foods, and spend time talking to her.

  3. I can't offer professional advice, but I think what you're doing for your sister is very sweet. I've been self conscious since I was her age, and i went through phases where I did the same thing. Don't make it a big deal around her because that will make it feel worse. If you think that it is getting to the level or anorexia seek professional help immediately, but hopefully (like in most cases) it's just a phase she is going through.

    It might feel weird, but since you know that she is feeling self conscious give her a compliment here and there! she just needs reassurance so say something as simple as "you look so pretty today!" or something, she may act weird about it, but she will really appreciate it I promise.

  4. shes 7 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell her to shut up about it and just to like her life!!!!!!!! she doesnt need to worry about it  until shes at least a teenager but at 7 h**l NO

  5. just tell her that she is perfect in every way, and that she doesnt need to change,thats a very important thing to hear from her brother ! she does not need to worry about her weight right now ! she is only 7

  6. She's doing this because she saw something on tv (such as a model or attractive female on tv) and figured to be attractive herself, then she must be dangerolsy skinny as well. Most likely it's what she told you; she wants to look better then this other girl at school. There's 2 reasons for this; a) this girl has been harassing your sister about her looks b) both your sister and this girl like some boy and your sister figures that if she's overly skinny, then he will choose her. Either way you slice it, it's unhealthy, way too young for this kind of behaviour, not to mention dangerous to her health. You need to inform your parents of this situation asap, they need to know and intervene before this issue becomes a health/life crisis. Does she have a solid male father figure in her life? If not you need to step up and provide the male figure that she desperatley needs (not saying you have to act like a father, just be her big brother). Sit your sister down and explain to her that she is a very beautiful little girl and doesnt need to be obsessing about her weight. Also tell her that if she skips meals her metabloism rate will slow down and when she does eat she will end up getting fatter. Tell her that if she doesn't have enough fluids that her blood pressure will go down and if it get's to 80/50 then her organs will shut down and she will eventually die. You and your parents need to intervene RIGHT NOW, so get off your computer, talk to your parents and your sister.

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