
My sister is insane!!! its not true is it?

by  |  earlier

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ok my sister wants to be an actress B-A-D-L-Y. she can act too. so she decides how to see if she's going to make it by flipping a coin. heads was yes and tails no. it landed on tails. now she's in her crying her eyes out, LITERALLY. i tried to tell her that you cant base if your going to make it or not by a stupid coin flip. and if she doesnt make it its probably because she's sitting on her but flipping coins instead of actually going out there and working. but i know this sounds stupid but can she really tell by the coin? i mean was it right? is she not going to make it big and act like she wants to?




  1. Your sister has mental issues IF she actually believes that by flipping a coin ; she will know about her acting career ....

    She really NEEDS to get her butt out there .. get a portfolio ... take acting classes to hone her chosen field .... and then go get herself an agent ....

    Who knows ; MANY agents do come to the acting schools and their performances to scout for talent  etc .... and your sister just might get Discovered ....

    Whatever she does .... she will NEVER get an acting job by staying home and flipping coins .....

  2. Remind her the big super movie stars don't sit and cry over a flipped coin. That should change her perspective..

  3. If she doesn't think that she is going to, then it will probably be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    As far as coin flips determining destiny... that's total b.s.

  4. I think you should take her to auditions.  Until she gets a role in a community play or something to show her that a penny doesnt mean anything.

    or you could go up to her and say "head, you live, tails, you die in two seconds."  and make it land on tails so she can see that its BS.

  5. If she is that emotional over something so irrational, maybe she really doesn't have what it takes. I do a lot of video production and theater work and I know it is a ROUGH business. If a coin flip is all it takes to upset her, she'll be eaten alive. So by proxy she's right.

  6. don't worry it is just a fade i actually had a fade that one day if i thought of something would happen then the next day i thought something wouldn't happen don't worry about it

  7. you said the right thing. your sister is way to superstitious, and its at a very dangerous level. i recommend you tell the parents or guardians, and it is my professional opinion that she seek therapy. ive seen people like that, and your sister seems like to good a talent to go to waste. dont let her sink to deep into that stuff.

  8. Is there some reason that you are posting this in Mythology and Folklore? Is your sister a Norse goddess by any chance?

    The entertainment business is like the illicit drug business in that it they are both lotteries. There are a huge number of gamblers at the bottom and a tiny number of winners at the top. If she is willing to pay the price and take classes and workshops and go to cattle calls and face many consecutive failures while she supports herself by waiting tables, then she has as much of a chance as anyone.

    The best thing that flipping a coin can do for you is to reveal your feelings. If it comes up heads, adn you wanted tails, then you should go ahead and try for whatever tails represented.

    The main thing is, even if she is your sister, she is not your responsibility. If you convince her that she will never make it, she will always resent you for not letting her go. If she goes and fails, and you told her to go, she will always blame you for the loss.

    You can't win, stay out of it.

  9. Have her flip the coin again until it lands on heads to shut her up. Flipping a coin proves nothing. She only gave herself a 50/50 chance of becoming an actress that way. But ya, thats stupid. Tell her to grow up and get real.

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