
My sister is mad because i dont want to do sports.?

by  |  earlier

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well my sister wants me to start sports since im going to be a freshmen, and other afterschool stuff so i can get out of the house, i am willing to do clubs and stuff but i told her i dont like sports, its just not my thing like some ppl hate hamburgers, she thinks im scared or something (because im short) but i told her i just dont like sports

what should i do?




  1. My Father always bothers me about sports as well.

    Just ignore her and do your own thing.

    Tell her to join drama club.

    If she says no, get mad at her.

  2. Maybe she just cares for you. Exercising makes you healthy, not just about eating right. Plus, when you grow older, you'll care more about your appearance.

    You can do some easy stuff, like jogging, jumping ropes.. etc. They are also sports, in a way. Then maybe after that, you can go swimming [because it can make you grow taller] or do other sports like badminton or basketball or soccer. Even though it's not your stuff, give it a shot, it's not that bad. Maybe she said that you're scared just to motivate you to do sports.

    Sports are fun, play with your family or friends, you'll find that you are having fun while exercising at the same time. =D

  3. you can play soccer.. alot of short people play soccer.. or just dont play any if thats what you really want its really up to you and nobody else

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