
My sister is miserable and unhappy all the time......

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lately my sister has been acting weird. She just turned 17,but shes been unhappy for the last 3 years(ever since our mum and pa divorced) she's been mad and unhappy all the time. she blows up on people for absolutely no reason,and it's getting worse every day. I don't like talking to her because our conversation always turns into an argument. She lies constantly even for the simplest things. She insists there is no problem in her life, but that is obviously one of her more developed lies. What do I do?????




  1. I would suggest, before talking to her, talk to another family member, maybe not your mother or father, but somebody quite close, or a family friend. You might be able to work out what's wrong together, and then tackle her together which is easier than doing it on your own.

    Alternatively, go out together, to the movies or for a meal, and just talk normally, don't bring up any problem or anything that might cause her to explode. Often, when people are relaxed, they are most likely to respond to you.

    Or you could just sit her down and tell her straight that you know something's the matter. Encourage her to email the Samaritans or a similar charity, even if she blows up in your face, she might think about what you said. I know from experience that emailing someone can really help, especially when it's completely confidential.

    Lastly, you could just blank her completely. It's a sure way of showing her how you feel and  once she realizes she's being more and more isolated, she'll probably come round.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!

  2. Where are you parents in this? Tell both parents that she is getting out of control. It sounds like she could have a mental disorder like bi-polar or something like that. I'm not a doctor but she has all the behaviors of someone with bi-polar and it hits a lot of people in their late teens or early 20's. Why in the world doesn't your parents see this or get involved. I'm so lost for words because of the way parents are so out of the picture. Tell your parents today. Try to give your sister postive feedback. Ask her why she is so angry. If that is too much or you don't think it will help then just stop reacting to her and stop talking to her so much. She needs professional help and your parents need to get off their numb lives and do something about it!!!!!

  3. if u don't want talk to her just talk 2 ur mum or dad

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