
My sister is out of control! Help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My sister is 8, doesn't go to sleep until around 1am, wakes up at around 12pm. Jumps up and down and carries on like she's about 2 when she can't get her own way. My parents are strict with her and she still doesn't listen. If she's getting told off she tells my parents to shut up and laughs at them. She thinks she can go where she wants without telling anyone. She attacks me for nothing, Thursday night I were trying to go to sleep and she were throwing things at me for the fact I wanted to sleep at 1:30am. I were on my dad's PC before she woke up today, 5 minutes of her been down, she were jumping up and down demanding she went on the PC. She doesn't really eat meals, fills herself up on junk food. Does anyone else see a problem with her?




  1. nope i see a problem with the parents ..Shes 8 how does she get the junk food ?

    dsnt want to sleep ..fine put her in her room turn of the lights and make her jstu lay there

    SHES 8 if your letting her act this way due to lack of parental control what will she be like ina few more years IMO there is nothing wrong with hitting kids not talking about beating im talking about a whack on the bum.  

  2. I think its time for some physical discipline. Some ppl are against it, but I guarantee its the quickest way to set someone straight

  3. go on the show super nanny!

    or just lock her in her room till she promises to behave =]


    best of luck


  4. an 8 year old shouldnt be like this, i would suggest having her see a doctor and ypur parents explianing what is going on she may have adhd or something of the sort

  5. If your sister is 8, how old are you and are your parents still together? Knowing a little more about the family situation would put us in a better position to offer advice, but if you're simply asking is it normal, I would say yes. It's extremely normal for a very selfish, spoiled child who gets her own way by behaving like that. When the behaviour leads to consequences she doesn't like, and those consequences are applied consistently, then she would probably start behaving more appropriately.

  6. no offense but it seems as though ur parents aren't very good parents. You need to be both mom and sister at this time. You need to tell her to go to bed at an earlier bed time. and she needs to do as told. maybe spank her when she is bad, before she gets too old. My mom did it a couple of times when i was little, and it whiped me into shape. U are her big sister U can do that. hopefully u are her big sister. it is ur parents fault she isn't eating meals. if ur parents aren't there u need to make her meals. I think i would deal with it well if i were u. look into parenting websites for punishment.

  7. Well junk food and sugary foods will make her that's properly why she wont sleep..and lack of sleep would be making her aggressive. I reckon it sounds like she has some form of ADD. Blaming parents is not the answer..the parents have properly tried everything and the only way they can get peace is to give her what she wants. It looks like the person who asked this question turned out alright so it would not be the parents fault. I would ask your mum to maybe look at the possibility she may have  a form of ADD to talk to someone about it. With the right diet and medication it can be controlled.

  8. spank her.

  9. Have you ever tried watching nanny 911!

    jesus christ google that and call her up.

  10. u need to discipline her!.. not physical... but like time out... like if u throw 1 more thing im going to put u in the corner and u will not be aloud to go anywhere and if u stand up u will have an extra 15 min... thats wut i do when there are snot nose brats who dont listen to me and dont care and it works everytime... i dont ever let kids get away with stuff like that cuz when she gets older it will get 10x worse!!!

  11. Your sister needs some serious dicipline. Why do you and your parents give her junkfood? Here's what you do:

    1-Clear out all the junkfood in your house and only put healthy food. If you want to eat junkfood you can eat it outside (or anywhere but somewhere where your sister is not there)

    2- If she doesn't go to sleep, just lock her in her room, without anything inside which she can entertain herself. So she would have no choice but sleep.

    3- Ban her from computer and tv till she learns some dicipline and manners.

  12. I'm 13, my sis is 10. we dont have the choice to be out of control. the closest my sis came to being a witch was in the spring. she started to do what your sis is doing. my dad gave her a major spanking, like skin on skin, talk about ouchies! but she was super nice after.

  13. look all these people who havee answered are telling you bad things. This is your sister i have 3 n i have to put up with there ****. You dont get to disciplane her she's not yours. tell ur parents when she does something wrong and its there responsibility to deal with it siblings dont get to step into parenting role unless sisters are in danger or parents are gone. there may or may not be something wrong but thats not ur place the joy of being her sister is you get to put up with it. You can choose ur friends but u cant choose ur family. Its probably just a phase and she'll probably come out of it. its prbably not good shes eating c**p but again not ur problem if u think she is in danger call the authorities

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