
My sister is out of control?

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My sister is crying, burying her nails in her skin, and locked herself in the bathroom. I hear loud crying and bangs. What should I do? I think she is going to kill herself. All because I ate some cookies.




  1. Has she done this kind of thing before? Tell her you are going to call 911. If she starts yelling at you and telling you not to she will be fine. If she says she does not care then call them. It is obvious she needs some kind of help.  

  2. old is she like 4??

    Just tell her to calm down, if she doesnt then you need to get help. Because that i not natural, whatsoever.

    ((slide a cookie under the door ))

  3. Call 991, but don't tell her you are going to. That might push her over the edge. I think your sister has serious mental issues.

  4. i think you should ask her to go shopping with you but take her to a professional therapists.that way she wont get upset and refuse to go

  5. i did that when i was little

    i put a knife on my brother just to scare him mostly

    i have adhd and possibly bipolar

    i would defenitly call 911 or try to calm her down some tell her u will get her new ones

    i went to a theripast when i was 6 7 8

    it really help ed

    try i got realy serious in those situations i did it more than once

  6. LOL, i think you guys spoil her a little too much..

    the only thing i can think of is to call your parents and tell them to come home and deal with her.

  7. Sounds like something is going on deep down and you eating some cookies topped it all off...she is bottling it up and now has exploded...give her a few min and if she has not came out of the bathroom then tell her your going to call someone to help her...whether it be an adult or 911...sounds like she needs someone to talk to and something serious (to her) is happening or happened in her life and she does not know how to deal...try talking to her..don't pressure her to vent to you...maybe talk to your school councilor and see if she can't talk to your sister and help her...good luck and keep and eye on her...or just keep listening to make sure she is ok....  

  8. Her reaction is not normal at all. There is something behind her reactions and cannot only because you ate the cookies. If you think she might be in danger then tell an adult as soon as possible!! After she cools down you should try and talk to her and ask her what is going on. Trust me it is not only because you ate some cookies. While you wait for her to calm down sit down and think about any problems in her life that she might be having. maybe recent events that have taken place. by doing this you may discover a little bit of what is going on. If you do realize the problem then you can help her.  

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