
My sister is with the biggest loser why doesn't she leave him????

by  |  earlier

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he doesnt help her with bills, he doesnt give her rides when she needs one, they fight 24/7 and he is disrespectful to her infront of the whole family. he calls her every name in the book. he always wants to kick it instead of spending time with his family. he spends all kinds of money on clothes and shoes for him but never buys his son anything.the worst part is that he treats their 2 year old son like c**p. he is teaching him how 2 b violent and use bad words.

my sister even confessed that they dont even kiss.

we asked her to give us one good reason why she's still with him and she never answers. she has all the family support she can get if she leaves him but she just wont.




  1. one word...codependent  

  2. There are a couple possible reasons. She could be afraid to leave him...maybe she thinks he will hurt her or abuse her if she leaves.

    Maybe she has blinded by love. Maybe they had a true, real connection at first and she is holding onto what used to be.

    From the sound of it I hope she can get the h**l away from him because no person should be treated that way...male OR female.  

  3. She does not see in him what you see in him or she would.

  4. The only thing you can do is make sure she know that you will be there for her.. if he is that bad he is probibly hitting on her to but she will not leave until all the love she has for him is gone. as hard is that is to say it's true .i have been there and done that when you meet some one they are all nice in the begining or we would'nt fall in love with them it's later when them get confortable when the monster comes out give your sister time and a should to cry on when she needs it and always tell her you love her.. Terri  

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