
My sister just bought an apartment....cockroaches?

by  |  earlier

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she bought it from a couple, and they(the sellers) didnt tell her about the infestation of cockroaches,,,, is there some way to get them to pay for the extermination fee or get some kind of rebate?

if i were her id sue them, but she says she wont.... is ther even a way, if she wanted to?




  1. After the sale deed is over, I think it is difficult to sue the previous owner.

    You can consult a Pest Control Company. They will come and spray disinfectants. All the insects will go away. If you want to do it yourself, you can take Flit or Baygon spray and use that spray lavishly in the initial stage. And then as per requirement.

    In flats, this problem will be there because the cleanliness depends on the neighbours way of keeping the house also..  

  2. Apartments always seem to come with cockroaches, the reason being that there are several units joined together in a building, and you can't control the cleanliness of your neighbors. When you spray, the roaches run off to adjoining apartments and stay there until the poison has worn off and then they return. So you've got to have an exterminator come periodically and spray around your place.

    Probably the best solution is to bring an exterminator into every unit in a building. If that cannot be done, periodic spraying and use of boric acid is probably the best way to combat roaches in your own apartment.

  3. I'm not sure if there is anything she can do 2 make them reimburse her, but I will tell u a cheap VERY effective way to get rid of the critters. Go 2 ur local farm animal feed store, like Purina. They carry a powder called Ortho Orthene Fire Ant killer. Yes, it's for ants, but it works AMAZINGLY on roaches! Its $7 - $15 depending on the size of the bottle. Sprinkle the powder behind all appliances, and furniture. Sprinkle under baseboards and any other empty spot she can find. I guarantee they will go away. The only down side is the smell. It'll smell like cabbage for about 3 days.

    I moved into an apartment a few years back and my first night there the bugs started coming out. They were so bad I had to go stay somewhere else. I put the ortho out the next day and within a week they were GONE! I lived there 3 years and never had any again! If you don't live near a feed supply store you could try Wal-Mart's  garden center. Good luck!

  4. You may want to bring this up in real estate or law.

  5. You can go back on the ower. But if you was in there for more then 30 days you can't go back on the owner. They would say it's your problem now.

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