
My sister keeps talking about committing suicide!!?

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My sister's 15 years old and lately she keeps talking about committing suicide. She's been saying that one cares about her and that she would rather be dead. She's been really irritable and gets mad at the littlest things too. When she gets home from school she's always in a bad mood, and she always talks about how she wants to drop out. She says there's no point in living. She also mentioned ones that one of her teachers told her that she should see a therapist. I usually just brush it off and I don't take it seriously, but a couple of hours ago I went into her room and she was crying, she told me she had just taken a handful of benadryl. I stayed with her for a couple of hours to make sure she was okay, and she was.

I don't know what to do though. I don't want to tell my parents because I'll lose her trust, and I don't seriously think she would kill herself. Please help me because I care about her a lot and I just want her to be happy.




  1. Print this out and give it to her or give her the website. it starts like on page 5

  2. tell her u will always be there for her. also tell her that even if it seems like people dont care about her,they do. i think ur sisters problem is that she thinks no one cares a bout her and maybe if shes dead,they will leaern theyre lesson.. just dont let her think that. PLEASE tell someone ur sister needs help

  3. YOU MUST TAKE THIS EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY-brushing it off is cruel-the girl is in trouble and needs professional help NOW before it is too late-surely your parents have noticed her depression-or are they brushing it off too? QUICKLY do something for this kid before your whole family is irreversibly affected by tragedy.

  4. You need to tell your parents and get her help.  She does not have to feel this way there is medication and therapy that can help her.  This is serious because she has gestured.  She did this when she took the benadryl.

  5. Tell someone NOW! This is urgent business. If she gets mad at least she will be alive to be angry. She is SCREAMING to you for help. Please be the one that hears this cry. You would not want to be 'wrong' because this is not something you would EVER  forgive yourself for.

  6. please tell ur parent's!!! ur sister need help really bad... i been through the same thing.. you will never know what your sister will do next.. tell ur parent's now before something bad does happen!

  7. She's going through a lot of changes in her life. First and foremost you have to tell an adult. I've been through that phase before and once she goes over the hump, she will mature and understand that she's been ridiculously becoming angry over the littlest things.

    It is normal to a certain degree but if she has already attempted (the handful of benadryl) you need to seek help for her.  

  8. It sounds like she is depressed. You need to tell your parents, regardless of what she feels towards you. She'll get over it. She needs professional help. The end.

  9. Don't ever assume someone will NOT kill themselves.  I don't know how old you are, but this is not something you can deal with alone. PERIOD.  Check out the link below, but please, PLEASE tell someone.  Your sister needs someone to talk to about what is bothering her. PLEASE tell someone immediately.

  10. Please take your sister seriously.  For all you know, she may kill herself just to say s***w you to everyone she felt never cared about her.  In her current state, she can't make good decisions, and may make a bad decision to kill herself.  You need to tell someone.  Talk to parents alone, without your sister being home, and tell them what you know.  Have them tell her they got a call from the school, and the school was very concerned, and she won't know it was you, and she won't feel betrayed by you.  You need to be there for her.  Spend a lot of time with her.  Take her out places, go for walks, share your problems and she might share hers, play board games with her, watch movies together. Always be willing to spend time with her, and always be ready to talk to her, and let her know that.  If she doesn't believe you care, say you will just have to prove it then, and then really prove it.  

  11. TELL YOUR PARENTS!!!!  You nee to becuase your sister needs help.  

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