My sister is a very intelligent woman and knows how to do her research and vented to me today that to adopt a domestic child from the US would be about $40,000! She said that the reason why adoption cost so much is because they are taking care of the pregnant woman who come to them...they give them housing, make sure they are eating right, taking them to their dr visits.... she said it comes out to be about $900 per week per pregnant woman....Is there anyone else who finds this revolting? I had 2 babies and never came close to spending that much...providing myself with a home, the right food and whatever else. And of course the first 2 trimesters there is no need for weekly dr where the h**l are they coming up with this figure to take care of one pregnant woman? Even putting them up in their own apartment wouldn't cost that much! Living healthy yes, but where the h**l are they putting these woman and what are they feeding them? I just think its outrages! Thoughts on this.