
My sister masturbates in the while I'm in the room!!?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah we share a room and from her stomach down is underneath the covers but I can see this lump under her covers moving in a circular motion so what else is she doing?!

Oh yeah and last time I saw her I ripped the covers off to expose her so its kinda like saying "I know your doing that so stop!" But she had a sheet on and I didnt pull that too.

I know your probably think Omg you were pulling her covers off! But it disguts me and she shouldn't do that when I'm there! Gross.

What should I do?




  1. ...

  2. Masturbating is normal and healthy for everyone. I think she is in her bed so she should be allowed that. put on some earphones or turn over or maybe start experimenting. This will take the heat off of your sister. Where is she supposed to experience the joys of self experimentation. Perhaps you can get a divider or something if it really bothers you to the point of no return and stuff. Masturbating is encouraged for healthy vital people.

    good luck.

  3. your sister IS disgusting!

    i cant even think of masturbating in front of my brothers!!!

    i only do it in my absolute privacy in my own room and when no one is around.

    its a shame. i never have even told my brother that i do m********e!!

  4. Each to their own on masturbation of course, but there is a time and place for it - especially if the room is shared.

    Have a serious talk with her and tell her that you feel uncomfortable with her doing that in your presence. If she doesnt take it seriously tell your parents.

    It might be alittle harsh, but she needs to respect your boundaries as well.

  5. That's what the bathroom's for, or another private area/time in the house.

  6. well some people are horny and cant wait get off your high horse

  7. 1. While she is doing it you could say really loudly, "I KNOW what you are doing, and I would prefer it if you did THAT somewhere private."

    2. Leave her a note.

    3. STARE at her while she is doing it, (lol) she'd probably get uncomfortable.

    4. I don't know but as a last resort you could actually pull the covers off really quickly when she is not expecting it. Then say "What ARE you doing? MOM!" and run out of the room, but don't actually tell your mom though.

    I don't know if that helps. =P

  8. If you share a room then when else is she supposed to do it? Most likely she does it then bauecse she has no other time or place to do it.

    Im sorry to say but its not that big of a deal. If you dont like it then you shouldnt be looking at her.

  9. Pray. With your eyes closed.

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