
My sister moved today and I can't stop crying.

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My sister who I have lived with since I was born (19 years) moved over 1000 miles today. We are EXTREMELY close and we got even closer after our dad died 9 years ago. I can't stand not knowing she isn't close to me. He fience has a cell phone but she doesnt have one so I can't talk to her a lot. I'm so sad. can someone please help me.




  1. You'll never forget all the great memories you two share. Also, tell your sister that she MOST DEFINETLY NEEDS A CELL PHONE!  

  2. once she gets settled it'll be easier for the two of you to keep in touch and it'll start to get easier!! i know how you feel! i moved away from my brother but across the world and haven't seen him for over a year but we manage and talk on the phone once a week'll have your own little phone dates and plan to see each other often so you have something to look forward to. i promise it'll get easier and maybe you'll end up moving where she is just never know! :)

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