
My sister thinks my guinea pig is hers

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OMFG she is really annoying she thinks its hers when it plainly doesnt like her and UUUGGGHHH i paid for it with my money and even my dad said its not hers its in my room and it runs away from her but she still thinks its hers also she doesnt seem to care and its reeli (not even goingto say it) me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help please how do i get rid of her! UUUGGGHHHHH from a very frustrated and angry person!




  1. Dude calm down, tell her to buy her own for 10 bucks at a cavy show!And tell her that she doesn't take care of it so its yours!

  2. How old is your sister? It doesn't matter what your sister thinks is hers. If you paid for your pet and your dad knows it, than I wouldn't worry about it.

  3. hahah same here!

    be like "oh really..... then why does she run away frome you.... huh?"

    or be like " ok you keep telling yourself that..."

    or "who paid for it...? ya didnt think so.."

    you could just tell your parents about it and get them to tell her that it isnt hers.... that probably would work

    good luck :)

  4. start playing with it when she is around and try to tell her in a nice way that it's your's  because you bought it and if that doesn't work ask your dad to tell her.hope this works.

  5. ok, go to your mom and dad and tell them to tell your sister that, that guinea pig is yours, u paid for it, u take care of it, and its in your room, tell your mom and dad that your sister keeps bothering you, its your guinea pig.

  6. it's not yours.

  7. I know ignoring is hard, but try it this time.  Play with you guinea pigs more often and she will finally realize that they like playing with you and not her.

  8. Maybe your not being harsh enough? (on your sister)

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