
My sister threw up last night?

by  |  earlier

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shes 8 4`1 and has this rash on her face

looks like acne




  1. throwing up and having a rash could be the symptoms of minningytist (sp?) i had those symptoms and they had to test me for it so take her to the docter

  2. It's dehydration

  3. what a freak

  4. yea...ii agree with the first answer make sure she gets plenty of water nd liquids

  5. that sounds sad i think it could be a allergic reactoin call her docter and get a wet  wash cloth to ease the pain i hope ur sister makes it threw best of luck!



  6. It is dehydration, make sure she gets plenty of water and other liquids, it will go away soon. I get it whenever I get sick.

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