
My sister treats my mom like c**

by  |  earlier

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My mom has three children that she tried very hard to concieve. Im 24 then there is a 18 year old and a 14 year old. Well my 18 year old sister has issues and was kicked out a few times and now lives with her father.

But my 14 year old sister has become this ignorant *****, we have always been a very close knit family. but since my mom started dating someone she calls me mom names in front of him, she calls him on in front of my mom, she sneaks out she defiant. My mom just called me at work crying again she doesnt knwo what to do anymore. I suggested counselling, but my mom doesnt think that would help her.

now my sister kind of did this for the first yera and a hlaf i was with my current bf because she was feeling left out. but its has to stop.

I have a five year old that she used to be evry very close with and even with her she has been caught pushing her, yelling at her and is just miserable

Any suggestions




  1. be the older sister. get in her face and tell her that she's destroying mom.. ask her why sh's doing what she's doing and why she feels the need to do it. make her feel miserable for doing it and then let her think about it for awhile..

    let me know if it works.. or if it helps.. good luck i'll be praying for you all.


  2. ask her why she acts out like that. Her aditude twards him suggests that she is not comfortable with you mom dating again. Though your mom dosent think it willl work, try counseling, it cant hurt. Make sure she gets some attention from her mom. being the middle child, she might get overlooked alot.  your the oldest  and the 14 yr, u old being the first and then the 14 yo last with her in the middle might be difficult on her. :)

                                  hope this helps!!!

  3. First talk with her a figure out what is wrong, or at least try. Sounds like something about your mom dating again is bothering her. Try to get it out of her and hopefully this will resolve issues. If not , I think you're thinking on the right track with couseling. She has something going on inside her and she doens't know how to deal with it. Try to help her!

  4. WOW thats messed up i think that you need to get in your 18 yr olds face and let her know what she is doing to your mom and if it doesn't stop she will be sent away for good and they will never ever see you guys again

    i think you should also give her a little dose of her own medicine

    sit there and call her names in her face saying it really loud and laughing @ her maybe she will realize what she is doing isn't right and maybe she should stop

  5. U'r Sister is a c**k blocker

  6. thats just rude...ever thought your sister might not like your moms boyfriend...???

    or eveen LIKED him for herself...look my mom has a boyfriend && i say alot of mean c**p when he doesnt elt em do something or i think about my REAL dad && how much my stepdad sucks.see if thats the problem.sit her down && talkto her...youll never know unless you find out.:]]

    hope i helped.

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