
My sister walked in the Room when i was looking at p**n what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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first off I'm 14 and my sisters 16...

I rarely ever look at p**n, i think only a few times in my lifetime, so i really don't want my sister to tell my parents about what happened cause the last thing i want is for them to think i look at that stuff frequently and make a big deal out of it, , when she walked in i got the WHAT THE **** ARE YOU LOOKING AT, i fliped out and tryied to exit out quick be she saw what i was looking at, ive been trying to play it cool be she wont even talk to me unless i say something and the responses are minimal ( yea, no, so,k, ex.) What should i do???




  1. dont worry about a few days everything will be back to normal and it will seem like she doesnt even remember what had happened...........shes 16 like me and she has her own problems to worry about.

  2. i dont think she'll mention it to ur parents shes to shy. its normal boys ur age do that. every guy ur age has done it so dont worry and hopefully ur sis will understand or tell her to take a health class she'll get it. but really try to stay away from those websites they can get u in trouble.

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