
My sister was diagnosed with fetal alcohol effect.?

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meaning she doesn't quite meet the criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome. she is borderline in so many ways. she is too intelligent to qualify for an IEP, but struggles greatly in school. my parents are at their wits end as to how to help her. any suggestions would be appreciated. she recently turned 18.




  1. You cannot be too intelligent for an IEP.  Gifted students are on IEPs. She may not have a big enough discrepancy in her IQ and performance level or the performance level of her peers. A good school will make adjustments even when there is no IEP.  PArents can also help at home.  She needs to be able to have independently living skills. She may not be college material but she can get vocational classes.

  2. If she recently turned 18 and does not have an IEP in place, she does not qualify for transition services.  At this age, she is no longer required to attend mandatory public education in the USA.    She may elect to attend classes of her choice at a local community college, adult school, or YMCA.  She would probably prefer non-academic classes, such as art, dance, or similar courses.  Aside from education, there is a whole world of work and other experiences waiting for her as she develops her circle of friends and follows through with her plans for a quality life.

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