
My sister was just burned very badly. 3rd degree from face down to her bottom belly. The doctor signed but????

by  |  earlier

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I 've been talking to her about medical Marijuana, and we talked to her doctors and they agreed it would help her. She's on so many meds she's scard to sleep because of her dreams, and she can't keep down food from all the meds she's on. Its severe pain and will be for an unknown time. Her doctors signed her application but it could take 30 days for her to get her card. Is there any thing I could do to speed up the 30 day wait? Were in Colorado. She's on morphine now and something called da-lot-us I can't spell at all? Anyway I know these meds are very strong and I'd like to help her get off of them as soon as possiable. Thank you for time.




  1. Sorry, but the only way I know of to speed up the process is to see a local drug dealer.

  2. Weed is great for her...give her all she wants!

    I read a book called "Comfort for the burned and wounded" it was wrote by an amish man whos son got 3rd degree burns and he didnt want his son to go though all that the DR.'s do so he found another way. Go out and find some Plantian leaves (not the banana,the weed) and some Burdock leaves and scald them for abut 10 seconds,let cool then place over the burns..then put something like an old t-shirt on it for a wrap..never use gauze,it causes great pain cuz it sticks to the skin and pulls off all the new growth, change the leaves every few hours. there is no need to scrape all the derbri off cuz the leave will take it off when you pull them off,you should also put some Honey on the burn before you put the leaves on.New skin shoud start to grow inmeditly. This is a great way to heal burns,I know a lady who has used this for very bad burns and I have used this on my horse when she got proud flesh,it works for a fact and with less pain,but I'd still give her ALL the weed she wants for however long she wants. All the people that have been treated with this have said that it doesnt hurt at all and it is 100 times better then whatever the DR.'s wanta put her though. You might try google-ing the title of the book,I cant remeber the name of the guy who wrote it...but you'll know cuz it will be a amish name. Hope this helps.

  3. whats the difference if she on these medicines or marjiuana they are both bad for you.

  4. IF it were my sister I would take the opportunity to try some alternative to a drug.

    I would use Australian Bush Flower Essences Mulla-Mulla and add that to Emergency Essence and Bottlebrush in combination to take orally OR if that is not allowed to rub it on some other part of the body that is not injured as it can be absorbed through he skin.  Will help with the nightmares associated with the fear or fire and help healing faster and the pain.  How much I do not know, but I would be giving it a try.

    every 5 minutes if needed is OK.  She will use less if she needs less.

    I  would also get some help from a homeopath for some burn remedies and for pain.  It is a more complicated system but they will be of help as well.

    Good luck with your sister.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

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