
My sister was promised something by our grandma and some of us were too and dad wont give it to us

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years ago my sis was promised this silver and silverware set and she told my mom who gets what with her jewerly when she passes away. this happened 10 years ago. well my dad married a differ women a few years ago and now we have a step sis. well anyways my grandma past away and my sis can not get the silver cause of my dad. well actually he told me grandchilden dont get anything and he mentioned to me that he didnt get nothing from his grandparents. at the same time my mom is contradicting what he is saying. he says he has never seen my grandma s will or my grandpa's but my grandpa is still alive. but my dad is his power of attorney also. i know my dad is sneaky and knows things i dont know. he is an accountant so he knows alot about this stuff. like for example my stepsis is suppose to be moving in my grandparents house that my grandpa is try to sell. and i dont think that is right my sis wants to move in it. my granpa has another house that he lives in. can my dad do that. put our stepsis ahead of us. just to let you know i am the oldest grandchild. i know my dad can be crooked cause i moved back in with my parents on christmas eve and when he filed his taxes that foloowing year he claimed me and my daughter without my permission and he did husbands and i taxes too that year and the first time we had to pay taxes instead of getting refund. my told me about it . and i do have proof. what should i do???????




  1. If you love your family and want to keep your family together for the sake of the next generations ... let it go. Inheritance causes the worst most heart-wrenching fights that create bitter divisions in the family for many generations. Future members of your family will mourn the split and wish that somebody had done something to avoid it. Take the high road, a sacrifice that you must do in life for the greater good, and take solace in your actions and the fact that you are a good person. You will also get bonus good points if you make them feel that they should keep it because you would never let material things get in the way of family that you love. Its not easy but you will come out as the stronger person.

  2. You have a choice, either cut ties with your family entirely or fight.

    Now my husband cut ties.. it has worked out great, we don't deal with 'in house' troubles.  We have 2 things his Dad gave us and that is enough for us.  The rest of the stuff is probably dust right now anyways.  

    If you fight, that means lawyers and witness's and lots of dirt raised. You will most likely divide the family alienate some sisters and your grandpa.  I would personally talk to Grandpa.. if he wants to give you what your Grandma said you could have your Father can't stop him.

  3. Unless your grandma left a will, you're out of luck.  If she did leave a will, you are entitled to see it.  If you're dad is the trustee and is not abiding by the will, you can ask a court to intervene.  However, you will need to see a lawyer.

    If you're dad has power of attorney, he probably can let anyone move in whom he wants.  I believe he can even sell the house outright.  Again, see an attorney.

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