
My sister was put up for adoption before I was born...?

by  |  earlier

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I know her given name, her birthday, and that she was born in Jackson, Ms. How can I find her without spending a lot of money and a lot of time. My mother is very sick and I'd like to find her before my mother passes away.




  1. I have actually found people on

  2. First - add details to the free registries here-

    Check here for information on your state records here -

    Check here for search help - and links to free search angels -

    And check here for any support - it's the best online forum for adoptees I've found - there are many searching gurus available there -

    All the very best with the search.

  3. Go to may help

  4. Try getting something out of your mother......Try the birthdate you have in the facebook search bar and chances are you will find her......I mean, if i can find almost every teacher @ my sisters' elementary school im SURE there is a high percentage that you will find your sister..........

  5. I say facebook and i'd try googling her name.  you have a lot of information.  I'd even look in the phone book

  6. Ask your mother for more info if possible.  Her birthdate, what hospital she was born at, and any info she might have about the people that adopted the sister.  Sign up for reunion registries with this info and see what hits.  Check with the hospital she was born at as well, someone might remember or even have the info you need.

  7. i forgot what the name of it is called but if you watch the movie "Glitter" with mariah carey,, mariah looks for her mother............. i forgot what that place is called, all you have to do is giv ethe name and birthdate and they will look for you...

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